Honors Connect Co-Curricular Activities
Being an Honors Student is about more than just academic course work. It is also important that Honors Students become active members of their Program, their campus and their community as a way to give back to the systems that have supported them and to broaden their experience base.
Requirements For Graduation and Program Completion
Honors Connect is required to be eligible for any Honors scholarships and to receive priority registration status.
Students should participate in a mix of activities to stay engaged with their Honors community. Points will be earned based on activity type and activity options and points will be communicated to all students through the Honors email newsletter. Alternative activities can be considered on a case-by-case basis for students whose schedules do not allow regular attendance at the designated activities, including students with outside work or family commitments and commuter students. Students may log alternate activities and will be notified if those activities do not meet the minimum threshold to be considered community engagement.
- First Year Experience Students must participate in at least 1 activity in their first year to receive the First Year Experience completion.
- University Honors Program Students must participate in 6 Honors connect activities (not points, but actual separate activities, which may equal more than 6 points) to graduate with Honors distinction and to receive regalia, The requirement may be completed at any time.
- Honors Capstone Experience Students must participate in at least 1 activity to receive the Capstone Experience completion on their Transcript.
Requirements For Priority Registration Status
Students who earn a minimum of 10 Honors Connect points during the past semester are eligible to be on the list for priority registration for registration of classes during the following semester, as long as they continue to be eligible for priority registration based on all other requirements through their registration date and are making adequate progress through the curriculum toward Honors Program completion. Adequate progress through Honors Program curriculum is determined by having a plan filed with the Honors Program that is shared with the major advisor, included in the student’s Plan of Study/Degree Worksheet in Degree Works, as well as the student being on track as stated in the plan. All decisions regarding on track status are determined by the Honors Undergraduate Academic Engagement Executive Director.
Honors Connect Benchmarks and High Points
Students will earn rewards for reaching certain points benchmarks, and at the end of each semester, the high point earners are recognized.
Standard Point Allocations
Workshops – 2-3 points each
Examples include:
- Grad School: What is it, do I need it, and how would I pay for it?
- How to Win with Your Presentation
- Best Kept Secrets of College
- Scholarships and Fellowships 101
- Resume writing for Honors Students
Faculty Mixer/ Research & Scholarly Events – 2-3 points each
Examples include:
- Coffee with the Profs
- Honors Research Night
- Student Showcase of Artists and Scholars
Academic Speaker and Honors Colloquium Events – 2-4 points
Examples include:
- Disturbing the Peace Film Screening & Colloquium – will include a film screening, talk by one of the participants in the documentary, and round table discussions led by Anthropology students from Culture & Conflict. (Film Screening November 7, 2024 - 2 points & follow-up short film and discussion November 9, 2024 - 4 points)
- Faculty Colloquium – Presentations by professors regarding an area of their current research, such as “Costume and Identity” by Dr. Tom Endres.
Honors Community & SHAC Activities – 1-2 points each
Examples include:
- Cosmic Ice Skating
- Day Hikes
- Self-Care Saturday
- Crafting (topics vary)
- Game Nights
- Bob Ross Paint Along
- Open Mic Nights
- McNair Scholars events
- McNair Scholars Research Reception – 2 points
- Cohort activities – 1 point
- Honors Spring Banquet – 2 points
Campus and Community Events - 1 point each (Max 5 points)
Submit your campus and community events through the "Event Substitution" link in Canvas.
Examples include:
- Community Service Events
- Cultural Center Events
- Leadership Activities such as being an officer in a campus organization or participating in student government.
- Performing and Visual Arts Sponsored Events (spectator)
- Unite Workshops
- Other extra-curricular activities – including activities and events hosted by Stryker Institute for Leadership, President’s Leadership Program or RHA.
- Participating in local or regional or national performing arts groups or productions.
- Additional campus or community events you attend can be requested for points.
Honors Leadership roles- 1 point each
Examples include:
- Attending a SHAC meeting.
- Participating on a panel or as an Information Table volunteer at a UNC recruitment event.
- Ambassador activities
- Resident Assistant
- SHAC Officer
Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors – 1-4 points (may vary by activity)
- Attendance or presenting at an off campus conference
- Presenting/performing at a juried (selective) conference – 4 points
- Presenting/performing at a non-juried (non-selective) conference – 3 points
- Attendance at a regional or national conference (not presenting)– 2 points
- Research or creative project presentations
- Applying for an OUR grant – 1 point
- Applying and Receiving an OUR grant – 2 points
- Research Mentoring Programs
- Participation in the Undergraduate Research Mentorship Program - 2 points
- Participation in the LEAP cohort program (Through College of NHS) - 2 points
- Research or creative project work
- Presenting at Fall Symposium – 4 points
- Presenting at Student Showcase – 3 points
- Attending on campus research events (e.g. Fall Symposium, Student Showcase, Honors Research Night) – 0.5 points per presentation review (reviews submitted through link provided at the event). Maximum of 5 points per event.
- Performing and Visual Arts events
- Performing or exhibiting at performing or visual art event- 4 points if by audition or selection process/3 points otherwise
- Set designer, theatre tech crew, director, stage manager or other similar (unpaid) role at a performing or visual arts event - 2 points
- Attendance as spectator at an on campus performing or visual arts events- 1 point (max 5 points per semester)
- Attendance as spectator at off campus performing or visual arts events - 1 point (max 5 points per semester)
Verification of Participation:
Attendance will be collected through the Honors Canvas shell. If you do not have access to the Honors Canvas, please contact honors@fixshowerfaucet.com. Events that are through Honors will be listed as assignments and you will be provided with access when you attend the event. You will submit information about all other events through the most applicable assignment, generally "event substitution."
1 Point
- Eligible to complete First Year Honors*
- Eligible to complete Capstone Honors *
5 Points
- Eligibility for Honors Scholarships (not guaranteed, just eligible to be awarded)
- Honors Swag item.
10 Points
- Eligibility for Priority Registration (if all other requirements are met)
15+ Points
- Exclusive Honors Reusable bag.
Top 10 High Point year end earners (cumulative points for the year)
- High point earners will be recognized each year
- Invited to participate in an end of year activity.
- High point winner recognized at the Honors Banquet with a certificate.
Students will be awarded their benchmark gifts mid-semester and the end of the semester and must come to the Honors Program Lounge to pick up any prizes before the end of the semester.
* First Year Honors and Capstone Honors students must complete at least one event that is hosted by the Honors Program or SHAC to complete the program and have the program listed on their transcript. University Honors Program students must complete a minimum of six events during their full time in the Honors Program, which can be at any point in time.